When Bagels Start to Mold.

This morning I discovered that my bagels had gone bad. I stared at the three bagels in the bag with guilt. Then, I remembered my childhood which included throwing rotten vegetables into the pond in my backyard. Seeing wild animals eat scraps that no longer served me always overjoyed me. So, I threw on my peacoat and bowler hat to relive that same excitement I experienced as a kid.

However, I didn’t quite feel that gay excitement I did as a child. It was more of a contentment. Nourishing the pigeons and little tweety birds gave me a sense of relief. A relief knowing the birds are being taken care of. I was excited to not only greet the birds, but also to take care of them. Times can be hard, even for the birds of New York. The bagels that no longer served me, served the birds.

Also, if you’re wondering… Yes, I am now a crazy bird lady.

I am the perfect mix of Lady Bird and a Bird Lady.

I am the perfect mix of Lady Bird and a Bird Lady.


Party City Instagram Shoot.


Stranger Danger Isn’t Real.